I grew up in New York in a little village called Barneveld. My mom came to visit for a couple of weeks during the second half of April. We rented a car to drive to Belgium (upcoming post) and thought we might swing through Barneveld, NL (Gelderland) while we had a car.
The Netherlands has a Bible belt just like the US. It is scaled down to Dutch proportions and runs in 30 km wide strip from the south west to the central northest of the country. Barneveld is perhaps a buckle. It was interesting. The place is apparently famous for a breed of chicken developed there. It looks quite big by comparison to my hometown, but is generally viewed as provincial and a bit backward by the west-coast Dutch. I thought it was quaint.
There's a very nice museum that has quite a lot of good stuff in the archeological history of the area.
The Rijksmuseum boiled down
On another day, Mom and Ethan and I went up to the Rijks in Amsterdam. It's currently under renovation and is a small fraction of it's normal size. This is actually good as one can still spend a whole day there, but they've boiled it down to the best of the collection.
Ethan had a great time there and on the Museumplein what he climbed on the IAmsterdam sign in front of the Rijks.

Word of the day
woord van de dag word of the day. Woord van de dag is de woord van de dag, of mischien fier.
Great pics. Hey, have a bike project for you when you get back to the states. Got a free ten speed that needs an over-haul. Looking forward to having you all back. Gavin and Taten especially.