Less-shaggy boys

I want a refund
I didn't bring the clippers from home. Despite wind-swept medium-length androgynous locks being all the rage over here, I just couldn't stand it. At this time of year at home, it's cold enough to make the long hair rewarding. Not here. So, for the first time since I was married when I had one at my wife's insistence, I got a professional haircut.
Paying someone to cut my hair seems like paying someone to give me a spongebath or cut my fingernails. I really could do it just as well myself. Besides, I asked to be made to look like Daniel Craig. I clearly do not look like Daniel Craig. I want a refund.
I want a refund
I didn't bring the clippers from home. Despite wind-swept medium-length androgynous locks being all the rage over here, I just couldn't stand it. At this time of year at home, it's cold enough to make the long hair rewarding. Not here. So, for the first time since I was married when I had one at my wife's insistence, I got a professional haircut.
Paying someone to cut my hair seems like paying someone to give me a spongebath or cut my fingernails. I really could do it just as well myself. Besides, I asked to be made to look like Daniel Craig. I clearly do not look like Daniel Craig. I want a refund.
At least Ethan looks cute. Leif is keeping the long hair for now.
Lecture series kick-off
I started my lecture series at VU today. It went reasonably well. I covered inversion of the Radon transform. I had six students and two faculty. No one had seen it before, but they seemed to follow. I was a little out of it because...
I had the Dutch plague
I was the last in the family to catch the Dutch plague. It hit Saturday night and by this morning I was 3 kg lighter. I'm feeling fine tonight, but was still a little spacey for the lecture.
Word of the day
kapsel. Haircut.
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